

Sound Bath Sunday April 28th 6:30-7:30pm Sign up now!!

April 04, 2024

Sunday April 28th 6:30-7:30pm

with Kelly Allston

Melt into a warm room and get comfortable. We begin in a guided meditation to allow your body to completely relax. You will experience sound and vibrational currents throughout your energetic body, as well as the benefit of

Holy Fire Reiki lll given to the group as a whole through the distance modality and gyoshi-ho. In combination these will work to clear out anything you are ready to release, heal or manifest. Bring a loved one and enjoy.

Please be mindful of time. Class starts promptly at 6:30pm. Bring anything you’d like to enhance your experience (yoga mat, pillow, eye pillow, blanket). We have Yoga mats, blankets and bolsters they are first come first serve

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