

Free Infant Massage Class - Five week course on how to massage your infant!

June 24, 2014

Over thirty years ago, Vimila McClure, of present-day Infant Massage USA, created a program teaching parents how to massage their infants. Since then, the program has helped thousands of families worldwide to understand, help, and bond with their babies. Her educational creation has now spread to an astounding 22 countries!

Our massage therapist, Becky Brandt, is completing her certification to become an infant massage instructor, and needs a few moms & dads with infants to join this free class!

In this five week course, parents (and babies) will learn about touch, massage, and the science that supports this age-old tradition. Parents learn massage strokes while practicing on their little one. Substitute dolls are provided when there are two parents, a sleeping baby, or parents with babies yet to be born, etc… (Only the parent/caregiver will be massaging your baby.)

Benefits of Infant Massage:

> Improves sleep

> Improves motor and neurological development

> Increases weight gain

> Reduces symptoms of colic

> Relieves gas and other tummy troubles

> Sync baby’s sleep patterns with yours

> Enhances the parent-child bond

> Relaxation for the baby and parent!

Sign Up Required

Class Dates: Tuesdays - July 8th through August 5th from 2-3pm

Age: Pregnancy – 1 year old/pre-walking

What to Bring: Washcloth, Baby Blanket, & anything else your baby normally needs

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